Werte in globalen Transportketten freisetzen

Unsere Services
Nachhaltiges Geschäftswachstum
Zu Wachstum navigieren, das nachhaltig, skalierbar und resilient ist. Internationale Ausdehnung, Supply Chain Strategie und globales Transport Sourcing, skalierbare Geschäftsarchitektur.
Digitalisierung dort, wo es darauf ankommt
An Geschäftsprozessen ausgerichtete Lösungen, die Wert für Endkunden schaffen. Prozessautomatisierung und Performance Management, Transparenz und Nachverfolgbarkeit, Integration mit Geschäftspartnern.
Ausbau des Transport Ecosystems
Verbindungen in globalen Transportketten schaffen. Kollaboration über industriespezifische Lösungen vorantreiben, Technologie für ganzheitliches Performance- und Risikomanagement nutzen.
Unser Kernteam

Marie Seco-Köppen
Digitalization & Integration

Performance Management in a Box
We have packaged our learnings from working in different aspects of Performance Management across the air freight value chain over the past 20+ years in a powerful new Im3pact offering – Performance Management in a Box.

Balancing GP and Productivity
With air and ocean freight rates continuing to come off their giddy, pandemic heights freight forwarders’ focus will once again shift to productivity, seeking to take as much of the remaining gross profit (GP) as possible to the bottom-line. As we hinted in a previous post, a closer look at the characteristics of the underlying business can help to balance this quest for increased efficiency with retaining the ability to exploit GP opportunities.

Le Hub - ONE Record for humans
Earlier this year we teamed up with Webhookie, Scan Global Logistics, KLM Cargo, and Swissport to participate (and actually win :-) in IATA’s ONE Record Hackathon in Amsterdam. In this post we look at what is new and different about ONE Record vis-à-vis the traditional message-based data exchange standards from a process and business perspective.
Lesen Sie mehr in unserem blog.